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Messages - B82

Pages: [1]
Hmm, this ep lacks quite some feeling and deepness to it.
I can only imagine me playing the track Flimmerz, but this stuff is pretty boring  :zzz:

Can't seem to be really excited about the full line up which just recently been announced

The Charts / Re: Top 5 beers
« on: February 07, 2007, 02:18:18 PM »
is the topic realy top 5 beers?

yep, very PCP related topic aint it eh?  :D

ofcourse it is...if you're not drunk it's hard to stand the sound... ;)

cos only when i'm drunk i sing the song like this...awww yea! a little louder a little louder

The Charts / Re: Top 10 all-time PCP covers
« on: February 06, 2007, 04:16:40 PM »
Cyborg Unknown - Year 2001
Lunatic Asylum - Digital Chameleon
And the LP of Frankfurt Trax with the city on it. Aint got a clue which release

Enter the Gates of Darkness / Re: Bierdrink Meeting
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:16:57 PM »
indeed! had to drink that sh*t while i lived in Dublin for half a year. Them bastards did only serve Carlsberg, Guinness and Heineken, YUK!

you should be fuckin privileged to be able to drink a proper beer like guinness.  >:(

hahahahahahahaha  ;D :D

Enter the Gates of Darkness / Re: 10.02.2007 Parkzicht CD release party
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:16:11 PM »
Nijntjenz in da house??  :D

I think you could make more people happy on this forum haha
Nekro also wants to go, he's from London, I would also like to go, and Placid is also interested
"If" you can get tickets...I would like to pay for it

Also had plans for MoH, for Mark N and Manu
but I think for me it's not easy to get a nightshift off...
We're low on personal lately :(

Yep, in da houzeeee

Bout the tickets, still have to wait for my collegue to call so don't get your hopes up. If i can obtain tickets i recon it won't be more than 2 unfortunately, and i guess i won't have a definitive answer myself any sooner then thursdat sorry  XP

The Charts / Re: Top 5 beers
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:13:23 PM »
is the topic realy top 5 beers?

yep, very PCP related topic aint it eh?  :D

The Charts / Re: Top 5 beers
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:12:17 PM »
i want tot try out that delerium too
seems to be nice

come to Vlaardingen again some time and we go to the official Delerium cafe over here. They serve it from the tap as well  :P

Enter the Gates of Darkness / Re: 10.02.2007 Parkzicht CD release party
« on: February 04, 2007, 09:46:19 PM »
:'( :'( :'(

sold out within some minutes or something

Was way too late

Yo Rem! Markie hier  :D jaja  ;)
A collegue at work knows some peeps from B2S. He told me yesterday he's gonna ring them and ask for tickets. If its free i'll ask one for you to okido?
But let's first wait and see how it turns out. If he can get any at all you know

Enter the Gates of Darkness / Re: Bierdrink Meeting
« on: February 04, 2007, 09:42:53 PM »
and dr > it's not retared, it actually tastes better then that piss you people dare to call beer

i only drink guinness, pint bottles. extra stout. nothing better my friend ;)

poop in a glass, great  XP

indeed! had to drink that sh*t while i lived in Dublin for half a year. Them bastards did only serve Carlsberg, Guinness and Heineken, YUK!

Planet-Core dot com / Re: PCP Picture Archive
« on: February 04, 2007, 07:03:02 PM »
I've added the (high quality) Cyborg Unknown logo I used for a homemade shirt:

massive respect!
if i knew how to put that logo on a shirt without a lot of trouble via someone else for a nice price i'd definetly want one  :D

Planet-Core dot com / Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!
« on: February 04, 2007, 06:57:18 PM »
Greetings earthlings  :)

The Charts / Re: Top 5 beers
« on: February 04, 2007, 05:04:23 PM »
1. Duvel
2. Delerium Tremens
3. Karmeliet Tripel
4. HertogJan (alle soorten)
5. Martens (only in the summer on a verry hot day)

The Charts / Top 5 beers
« on: February 04, 2007, 03:45:18 PM »
Hello everybody! Finally arrived on this forum. Yep, the eagle has landed  ;)

And as a first post... name your personal top 5 of beers  ::)

Who's starting??

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