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Topics - icepick

Pages: [1]
Music / Fifth Era DJ Squad Sweden: All Doom is Lokal [new mixset]
« on: September 18, 2007, 07:33:54 PM »
Fresh out of the team Sweden chambers, a seriously gloomy Fifth Era megamix - slow and sinister, the way we live it: original south london doom, solid to the most rotten of spines.

Fifth Era DJ Squad Sweden: All Doom is Lokal -

Tracklist includes one track each from every record released, including the Mask and very recent Hellfire Records release - check the discogs out, here:


Yeah, so - we do it Swedish style once more.

This time larger than ever with the long awaited follow up to our first event ever, one full decade ago - Nosebleed I, back in 1997.

So guess Nosebleed III will be - the year of PCP, 2017, then.

But already now: some of the darkest, most top class doomcore acts this continent knows @ one night of real scandinavian darkness.

And please note: Gothenburg is connected to many of the european low cost airlines, so if you usually go to London or NL - check this one out as well...

Very limited (150!) TICKETS on sale now at - send me a PM if you need help, it's in a language spoken by close to no one..  :shakefist:



We're doing what we can. Also in Sweden.

This is our addition:

Does not come any better in this region, I promise - so: join in, you'll be surprised.. ;)

The Charts / Best of the Year 200.6 charts
« on: January 07, 2007, 04:39:07 PM »
yeah, post in any shape and length you want to - but would be sortov fun, seeing what you ppl reckoned as the best contributions of last year..

here's the icepick rant:
Best of 200.6 charts
(and yeah, i KNOW I should hyperlink this properly but I fucking can't get this right, a F.A.Q please.. ;) )

a tutorial about hyperlinking; just hit the button for hyperlinking that is in the message window.
then add the address, it can be a "www." address or "http://blog." for example. both work.
the address always ends with ] followed by a description and it ends with the [/url] and [/b] tags

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