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Messages - Philou

Pages: [1]
Music / [OUT NOW] Critical Hit 120db - Damage Dealers EP - 12"
« on: October 29, 2015, 01:49:59 AM »

Our last record is avaible now :

Label : Critical Hit Records
Catalogue : 120db
Artists : Analcore vs K_SpEcIaL
Title : Damage Dealers EP
Format : 12"

K1 - K_SpEcIaL - Wake The Dragon
K2 - K_SpEcIaL - Unreal Music
Q1 - Analcore - Fak Zat Shit
Q2 - Analcore - Out Of Control

Label :
Artists :

Bandcamp (soon) :

Orders :
In MP : 10€ black version, 12€ coloured version + 7,60€ priority for Europe (or 2€ as book at your own risks)

Thanks for your interest

Music / Re: Wilfuck releases
« on: May 31, 2007, 04:36:43 PM »
salut wilfuck! bienvenue a toi ici! on te voit plus sur hxc basic, tu nous boudes ou quoi?

Music / Re: Your latest purchases
« on: May 23, 2007, 04:08:41 AM »
unplayed copies of PCP 15 (without sleeve), 6 and 935 re-release
fifth era 12
storm recods 4 dj tron
gobble 6 the shit guys (ltd 100!)
hartplastik 9 morgon
lot of recent shit (again this guy who sell to a second hand shop that sell 2€ next, i'd like to meet him hehe)
DNA, promo, enzyme, drokz, frenchcore (epk, revision stuffs) etc etc

i don't remember who collect PCP test pressing, but my dealer has a PCP 15 copy, he's ready to part from it for 15€ he told me (unplayed)

Music / Re: Your latest purchases
« on: April 29, 2007, 09:30:40 PM »
and this one too, i didn't notify the artist before checking discogs

hart trance mechelen 3 professor x introducing exterminator 17 aka 303 nation  :)

Music / Re: Your latest purchases
« on: April 28, 2007, 06:23:17 PM »
40 records, 60 euros, between :
PCP 8 (pre-release)
DE 2006 (double for sale/swap) 2007 2010 (transparent version) 2013 (test pressing)
IST 2 (double for swap/sale) & 3
praxis 3 (double for swap/sale)
probe records 13 14 16
say no more - krid snero "me and my vibrator"
labworks 9 21 27
fnac record - choice (laurent garnier) "acid eiffel" + an other fnac
kx noizsystem 101
trigger 1
time unlimited (a lenny dee remix)
generator 9121-12 fazer
and more old belgium techno

Planet-Core dot com / Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:40:55 AM »
Philou aka Philou
27 years
from Paris

back at planet core phorum  8)

Pages: [1]