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Messages - drstrange

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my two accounts:


Music / Re: Dr Strange @ Venomous 09/12/06
« on: December 13, 2006, 01:53:42 PM »
cheers for the good words lads, i had some technical difficulties during the set [bloody ableton] so its not as smooth as i would have liked. anyway, tracklisting is as follows. [track name - project name - label if applicable]

the land runs red - untitled project with satronica doing vocals
forgotten future [dr strange remix] - retali8 [coming on zerohour]
eiszeit [drstrange remix] - jensen
der mensch [drstrange remix] - jensen [coming on ebe company]
electric - nightstalker
chaos in neo tokyo - freeze [audiovoid recordings]
the iceman cometh [frostbite mix] - freeze [coming on audiovoid recordings]
untitled - freeze
irish murder british boys - freeze
the ultras - freeze
into hardcore - psycho mantis  [hardline records]
untitled - psycho mantis

Planet-Core dot com / Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!
« on: December 13, 2006, 01:42:35 PM »
Name: drstrange / unit731 / freeze / nightstalker etc
Date of birth: 14-01-81   
City: dublin, now in sydney
Country: ireland, now in australia
First PCP live PA: uhhh... thunderdome 99, marc played live
Best PCP live PA: hardcore ressurection, i think miro played live. cant remember :P
Favourite PCP track: over land and sea / 96 knights

i make music, do graphic design and drink lots before ending up in fights like most irish people do. its a good life.

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