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Messages - rcl

Pages: [1]
For Sale / Selling PCP, ACA, DE2k1 vinyl *IN USA*
« on: October 19, 2008, 09:17:12 PM »

Vinyl collection too huge, house too small, modular synth too expensive, baby not cheap either

I'm selling all of my vinyl and replacing it with some form of digital dj'ing.  I know that this is very UN-DOOMCORE of me, but reality sets in.  In a sense I have "moved on" from my obsession with PCP - I'll be back, won't be the first time.. but for now it's goodbye

I am interested in hooking somebody up for FAIR prices and CHEAP shipping, hopefully to someone in USA who doesn't have a good shot at most of this stuff.  I spent loads on shipping..... here is a list of MOST of it, I'd prefer to batch these up and I will give better prices if so.  I'm thinking like 10-20% off whatever is on discogs right now if you buy a bunch of it but we will talk

PM me or email robert lorentz at gmail if any of this looks good to you...I'm reputable, loads of ebay feedback at user mrrlorentz, run axios records, and that bastard skinner can tell you I'm on the level

ACA001 - Marshall Masters E-Ternal
ACA002 - Miro - Shining / It's like XTC (shining has skipped in a room with HUGE table shacking bass but doesn't in most clubs)
ACA - Marc Acardipane - Today Tomorrow Forever
ACA - Horrorist - STROBE

PCP LP 01 (with that wonderful track from FS 1, B2, unfortunately skipping about 1 minute in due to a scratch)

PCP008 - Frontal Sickness 2, looks real scratched up but is actually in absolutely wonderful sounding condition

E-'Men' - XTC Express
E-man into the unknown

Reign - The Zombie Leader is Approachin (with the epic light and dark)
Reign - Hall 10"

Hellfire 01

Mover - Signs of '96
Mover - The Final Sickness
Mover - Frontal Frustration (the Tresor double pack)

Superpower TTC-3 whitelabel with oliver's handwritten nyc phone number on the cover (haha)

Steve shit - gabbertales
2 Evidence records from DE2k1
DE2k1 new mind remixes

BMR02 Skinner / Somatic Responses - Beyond Freedom, Beyond Dignity
BMR05 Low Entropy - Acid Massacre (12")
BMR12 Dr. Strange - The Dreadnought EP (12")

Bunch of crossbones and fifth era.  All of the dj promo NL "promo files" up through 6 or so

Less PLANET CORE related -- I also have some deathchant and similar style that I'm selling, and a whole bunch of proper breakcore (addict, distort, early and late vsnares stuff, shitmat, etc, rare history of the future shit..)

Music / Track ID on this clip? Save my sanity please
« on: July 07, 2008, 04:39:13 AM »
I woke up with this song stuck in my head but I absolutely can't place it.  I THINK it's a doomcore track, it almost has to be.  Anyway I worked out the melody and tried to recreate the lead on it and I recorded that..

The song is like this but I guess it's got a bass line and obviously has a rhythm section.  If this makes sense -- I remember the song being structured similar to 'return to zero' where there's other stuff but the lead is what's really going on

I'm going to lose my mind if I can't get this ID'd and this forum is about my only shot.  Thanks in advance guys!


Music / Re: PCP mix by G-Zox
« on: March 29, 2008, 09:49:41 PM »

I really love this mix, good mixing and lots of really great tracks.  Thanks for sharing it and nicely done

Music / Re: DJ Grun - Live In Ibiza 2017 (Doomcore/Breakcore)
« on: March 10, 2008, 08:37:31 PM »
Excellent!  Glad to see people checked it out.  For some reason the forum did not email me...

I will try to post up the tracklist sometime within the next few days..  didn't put it together and have had my hands a bit full recently


Music / DJ Grun - Live In Ibiza 2017 (Doomcore/Breakcore)
« on: March 02, 2008, 12:23:18 AM »
This is DJ Grun's newest mix, courtesy of Axios Records in Washington, DC.  This mix is a split CD between doomcore and breakcore. 

Side A is Doomcore, which you all probably will find very interesting.  Some of the mix is early 90's tracks from PCP, but there are also several recently released tracks included as well.

The breakcore (Side B) mix is probably not interesting to anyone here, but it's linked for completeness

More information can be found on

(320CBR encoded mp3's available, just ask me)

For Sale / PCP T-shirt?
« on: October 04, 2007, 08:25:04 PM »

I've looked far and wide for a PCP shirt and can't find one, thought I'd see one here but I was wrong!  Anyone know where I can get one?

Looking for like a black shirt with a big logo on it (white)...



Planet-Core dot com / Re: New member? Introduce yourself here!
« on: October 04, 2007, 08:18:33 PM »
Name: Robert / DJ Grun
Date of birth: 6-3-1982   
City: Washington, DC
Country: USA
First PCP live PA: Never! (USA)
Favourite PCP track: Alll of it is so awesome!!  I started on this music thanks to Skinner of Black Monolith Recs and got all the Acardipane Records releases, so those hold a special place for me.  Off PCP label though I would have to say PCP005

I never had the cash or chance to grab anything older (not easy in USA), but now trying to get some stuff.  I ended up "moving on" to playing newer hardcore/breakcore but now find myself back interested in the doomcore/good newstyle stuff.. such quality music!

I am also half of an all hardware live PA that does acid techno/experimental/etc, and we're starting to experiment with producing doomcore. 

It's great to find such an active community for this stuff, too bad all of you are in europe :)

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