1,993.00 GBP = 2,963.63 EUR
For that price you can trave over europe to old record shops and look for it with your girl!
bargain, in fact i might even press up a few copies myself and sell them for that price on discogs
Is that with or without shipping costs?
Dusty Angel - Fuck All Ya!On 06/22/07, 02:30AM, Sheep wrote: 1,993.00 GBP is it with or without shipping costs? sick price
Re: Dusty Angel - Fuck All Ya!sent by dubblethink to Sheep on 22-Jun-07 09:49 PMAs your asking, I'll include insured shipping for free. I know its a sick price but it's a piece of history that I'll only part with for this price. Cheers, Dubblethink